Currently not accepting guest posts.
I have been very behind for a long time, and I have very little time right now. Don’t feel offended if I don’t respond to you. It’s not personal.
If you use the words “interest” or “interesting” in your subject line, your email will be ignored.
Wild Simple Joy is a website by womxn, for womxn, about womxn.
Yes, there are topics here that can apply to anyone. However, this is something that we feel strongly about at Wild Simple Joy. As this site grows, it will retain its “womxn only” status.
So if you’re a womxn looking for guest post submissions for women’s health blogs, you’re in the right place!

Guidelines for Guest Post Submission: Women’s Blog Wild Simple Joy

Make sure you’re familiar with Wild Simple Joy and our content. Browse around and see if there are any sub-topics or concepts that you would like to write about.
Here are some approved topics:
- mindset
- affirmations
- mindfulness
- mental health
- health
- nutrition
- impact of nutrition on other health concepts like anxiety, productivity, etc.
- postpartum health and weight loss
- body positivity
- self-care
- work/life balance for moms
- female empowerment
- new moms
We like posts that are helpful, “how to”s, or cover connections between two things, like:
6 Ways to Meditate When You’ve Never Done It Before
How to Take Control of Your Emotional Eating
How Nutrition Impacts Your Mental Health

Next, send us a proposal in an email addressed to wildsimplejoy at gmail dot com. Make sure you include your full name, your email address that we can contact you back, your website URL, and your proposal.
Include a potential title and some ideas that will be included in the post.

Wait for a return email in about 2-7 days. We’ll correspond about things like:
- if your proposal is a good fit
- when is a good date that works for both of us for completion
- if there are any additional things we’d like to see covered
When you’ve received the go-ahead from us, get started on writing. Make sure your writing uses correct spelling, proper grammar, and intentional structure.
Use good SEO practices. Choose a keyword and several long-tail keywords to rank for (but no keyword stuffing!).
Write an article that is between 800 and 1,500 words. (Potentially more, depending on the subject.)
Include any pictures that you might want to use that are relevant to the article, but you aren’t required to include pictures.
Make sure you include a short biography (2 sentences or so) and a picture of yourself for the post.
Include your website once more for a backlink.

Send us the completed post! Acceptable forms include:
- html
- Google Docs
- in the body of an email
After we receive it, we may change things like:
- keywording placement etc.
- heading structure
- paragraph structure
- adding pictures & diagrams
This is only to ensure streamlining between all of our posts. We promise not to compromise the integrity of the original writing.
We’ll let you know when it’s scheduled to go live and we’ll send you a link to the post so that you can share on your social media outlets.

Enjoy the fruits of your hard work!
You will receive 1 or 2 backlinks to your site or page on your site to help boost your SEO.
PLEASE!—Do NOT link back to your guest post on your own website when it goes live! To Google, this looks like link swapping, which is frowned upon and will undo all the good your backlink will do.
*PS. I have been getting an absurd amount of junk, spam, and phishing at my previous email address. If you truly want to contact me about a guest post, please use the email above.