Wild Simple Joy is a platform for finding the tools we need to live a magical life of joy and wonder. While our primary audience is comprised of wild women, we welcome anyone here!

What We Focus On:

Your Relationship With Your Body
Being healthy can elevate every other part of your life, from precious time with your loved ones to achieving all your goals. Find that balance of eating whole foods, moving your body, and treating yourself with grace and loving-kindness!

Your Relationship With Your Spirit
Whether you are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, witch, or other, you are welcome here! Your connection to spirit is something that allows your life to expand and grow, and we provide resources to allow your mental, emotional, and spiritual selves to flourish!

Your Relationship with Others
How we connect to others in our lives is one of the most important aspects when it comes to our life satisfaction. Here, we like to honor people as they are, practice active listening, and meet people where they are in life in order to deepen those connections.
Explore Our Best Posts
6 Ways to Practice Non-Judgmental Mindfulness
When you’re first learning how to practice non-judgmental mindfulness, it can seem overwhelming. But there…
25 Undeniable Signs of a Wild Woman and Free Spirit
Maybe you’ve recently read Women Who Run with the Wolves, or maybe you’re are just…
What is Spiritual Enlightenment? And 21 Profound Signs
Our experience as human beings here on earth is naturally dualistic–both good and bad, joyful…
250 Powerful, Personal Word of the Year Ideas for 2024
If you’re not up on the trends of New Year’s yet, I’m here to help…
64 Simple Joys of Life to Cherish and Embrace Every Day!
Are you in need of some of life’s simple joys? Our modern world is SO hectic….
Can I Be a Buddhist Witch (or Wiccan)?
Essentially, to be a Buddhist witch (or a Buddhist Wiccan) means that you embrace the…
40 Affirmations to Attract Love, Romance and a Healthy Relationship
Looking for love? It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, you deserve to…
The 10 Books That Changed My Life (As a Woman)
I’m an avid reader and I ardently believe that books have the power to change…
7 Steps to Find Your Soulmate for LIFE!
Don’t we all want to find that one person who brings us joy and helps…
9 Easy Ways to Nourish Your Body for Optimal Health
Learning how to nourish your body —whether after a stressful situation, after drinking, during menstruation,…
16 Ways to Radiate Feminine Energy and Feel DIVINE!
Whether you want to learn how to radiate feminine energy to attract love, money, or just learn…
The 18 Best Books on Spiritual Enlightenment (2023)
Interested in reading some of the best books on spiritual enlightenment? Learning about spirituality is…
6 Ways Good Health and Success Are Connected
Have you ever noticed how when you’re healthy, your life seems to fall into place…
How to Invest in Yourself: 10 Amazing Benefits of Self-Care
In a world where we are expected to be productive and successful 24 hours a…
Self-Celebration—10 Ideas to Celebrate Yourself (for Women)!
“I think female self-celebration is the cure for the patriarchy.”-Kasia Urbaniak, Unbound: A Woman’s Guide…
The 20 Best Affirmation Cards for Every Day (August 2022)
Over the last few years, I have reviewed over 80 sets of Affirmation cards from…
Meet Them Where They Are—What It Means in 2023
“Meet them where they are” is a phrase that is growing in popularity. But what…
20 Easy Ways to Be More Present and Live in the Moment
With our ever-quickening world, it’s hard to slow down and live in the moment. We…
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A self-proclaimed crunchy hippie, I have a passion for healthy living, the power of positive thinking, and walking barefoot.
I’m just an ordinary woman, but if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s finding the joy in life’s challenges. Join me on my journey to make life more magical and find self-love and acceptance!
You deserve a radically magical life!