As I get older, the more convinced I am that mindset is what sets us apart in life, and these Dr. Joe Dispenza quotes and affirmations will convince you to rewire your brain and alter your mindset to life.

Who is Dr. Joe Dispenza
Dr. Joe Dispenza is a neuroscientist famous for his TedX talks centered around rebuilding our brains’ neuro-pathways in order to form new habits and attitudes in our lives.
Embed from Getty ImagesIf you haven’t heard his story, he was a chiropractor who suffered a life-altering bicycle crash. When told by doctors that he needed a surgery on his spine and that he would be in a body cast for a year, he declined the surgery and took up a meditation practice.
He was back on his feet 9 weeks later, and he decided to devote his life to the study of how our brains work, how thoughts inform our habits, and how practices like meditation can be life-changing. His results have been absolutely staggering and I wonder why he is not more well-known.
(Check out where he talks about his accident and the mind-body connection here.)
I actually stumbled across his TedX talk by accident about a year ago, and it was one of the greatest accidents of my life.
In the video I linked above, it was early in his research journey and he was still very much in the mindset of acting from science instead of from the energy. He discusses just how our thoughts create a map for our lives.
He shows video of neurons literally forming a pathway, thoughts happening in real time! He posits that these thoughts, worn over and over again, like a pathway, can become habits and part of our lifestyle.
It’s how negative people are always so negative, and positive people are so positive all the time–it is literally written in their brains.
I’ve started reading his books, and I have been blown away.
RELATED POST: 10 Books That Changed My Life
Dr. Joe Dispenza Quotes
Here are my top 15 favorite Dr. Joe Dispenza quotes that will inspire you to build a new, balanced mindset, heart coherence, and perhaps a new life!
Joe Dispenza Quotes On the Brain
“Learning is forging new connections. Every time you learn something new, your brain physically changes.”
“Nerve cells that fire together wire together. And as you begin to learn new information, you biologically wire that information into your cerebral architecture.”
“Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. Choose yours wisely.”
“If you take what you intellectually learned in your thinking brain and you apply it, you personalize it, you demonstrate it, it means you’re going to have to modify your behavior in some way. And if you change your actions and you do something differently, you’re going to have a new experience.”
“Routine lulls the brain to sleep.”
Joe Dispenza Quotes On Change
“Change as a choice, instead of a reaction”
“Most people wait for something outside of them to change how they feel inside.”
“Most change starts with the simple process of something outside of us altering something inside of us. If you begin the inward journey and start to change your inner world of thoughts and feelings, it should create an improved state of well-being.”
Joe Dispenza Quotes On Emotion
“A memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom.”
“What makes that intention have life is when you combine it with that emotion.”
“We’re addicted to our beliefs; we’re addicted to the emotions of our past. We see our beliefs as truths, not ideas that we can change… We’ve in fact conditioned ourselves to believe all sorts of things that aren’t necessarily true—and many of these things are having a negative impact on our health and happiness.
READ MORE: 11 Ways to Control Your Emotions for GOOD!
Joe Dispenza Quotes on Our Best: Whole and Empowered
“Here’s my definition of intention: getting clear on what you want.”
“You and I are at our absolute best when we get beyond ourselves.”
“You can’t wait for that healing to feel wholeness. You have to feel wholeness for that healing to occur.”
“To be empowered—to be free, to be unlimited, to be creative, to be genius, to be divine—that is who you are.”
Joe Dispenza Quotes on Love and Abundance
“You are not creating abundance, you are generating abundance.”
“We are all bound by an invisible field of energy, and that connection is called love.”
RELATED POST: Consider Using Affirmation Cards to Boost Your Mindset
Pin the quotes to Pinterest!

Bonus: 19 Inspirational Joe Dispenza Affirmations
I absolutely love the way that this article at Thrive Global explains the process of affirmations and how they can rewire our brain:
Setting up the right affirmation will begin to change your brain little by little. As the neuroscience adage goes, the neurons that fire together, wire together. You will make these neurons begin fire together by creating affirmations that build mental associations. Take the time to control your brain toward what you want, rather than leaving it to chance.
Lerone Graham
In other words, an affirmation practice can actually help engrain those neural pathways into our brains. What kind of a person do we want to be? Do we want to be more positive? More healthy? More compassionate?
Affirmations physically alter your brain to make those positive, healthy, and compassionate thoughts a reality for you!
Another mind bomb from Dr. Joe Dispenza, affirmations can be potentially huge in rewiring our brains! I used his teaching to help to form my own affirmations practice, to build healthier habits in my life, and to dig myself out of the hole of depression MANY times over the past 2 years.
What does Dr. Dispenza say about affirmations specifically?
He says that we can repeat affirmations over and over again without any change in our mindset or vibrational energy.
Because we have to feel them.
The most important component of affirmations according to Dr. Dispenza is that we attach elevated emotions to our affirmations to truly make them change our elevated state.
When we wire our brains to feel those good emotions, like compassion, understanding, gratitude, and love, we are building the new pathways to experiencing those feelings instead of the negative ones like anger or sadness. And those negative emotions vibrate at a much lower frequency than positive emotions.
So in order to truly make these “Joe Dispenza affirmations” work, you need to get into a state of elevated emotions and heart coherence!
What Are Affirmations and How Do They Work?
Best Affirmation Cards for 2020
I created—through the quotes above from Dr. Joe Dispenza—affirmations for daily practice.
Practice is the keyword here, and Dr. Joe Dispenza is clear in his messages that new, positive thoughts need to be repeated again and again in conjunction with those elevated emotions in order to build them into the structure of our brain and vibration.
These are reminders that your brain is powerful and potentially life altering! Will you use them to change your life from the inside?
- Every time I choose joy, joy is wired into my brain.
- Changing my habits are as easy as thinking them.
- I think I am powerful, therefore I am.
- I am choosing to change my life from the inside.
- I deserve all the power of the universe, and by thinking it, I receive it.
- I set my intentions. I am clear on what I want.
(Follow this with affirmations about what you want!) - Everything that I dream about my life comes true in amazing and miraculous ways!
- I change my thoughts and I change my actions. I am building myself a better life.
- As I go through my day, I actively make choices that help me achieve the intention I have set.
- I am powerful! I am making my life everything I’ve ever wanted it to be!
- I release the emotions of my past to build a kick-ass future!
- I am free. I am empowered. I am divine!
- I am whole. I am enough.
- I am wise.
- I choose joy and gratitude every day!
- I am unlimited!
- I am generating abundance every moment of every day.
- I am surrounded by the wonderful love that connects me to every other living thing!
- I am constantly experiencing love!

Don’t Forget to Check Out His Books!
*Updated August 29, 2020
Sunday 30th of January 2022
This site is unusable with all the ads. The content never fully loads. Also the "anti-copy" plugin disables the links in the header.
Dawn Perez
Sunday 30th of January 2022
Hi Glenn! Thank you for the feedback! I’m sorry that you find the ads annoying. Ads are my primary revenue for my site so that I can cover all costs and provide it free for all readers. Blog costs include domain, hosting, newsletter services, image editing software, site maintenance and services. Print magazines have an average ad density of 50%, and my site currently runs an ad density of about 20-25%.
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After a quick check, I was unable to find any disabled links (a variety of browsers and devices, and incognito windows). I'm sorry those were not functioning well for you. I'll keep an eye out for future issues.
Thanks for reading! I hope you have a great day!
Jannine MacKinnon
Friday 10th of January 2020
The mind is such a powerful tool. It truly is incredible what it can do! I'll have to look up his TedX talk.
Friday 10th of January 2020
These quotes really spoke to me. He has such a great story! Truly amazing. Thank you so much for sharing!
Friday 10th of January 2020
Great food for thought. There is power in our the way we think and our words. We have to use them wisely xx
Wednesday 13th of November 2019
Great post, loved it! Actually I wrote a short eBook (if you're interested you can find on my blog page for free) about similar concept! Everyone in my opinion should read this and start changing their mindset! Thanks for sharing this!! -The Handy Journal-
Dawn Perez
Wednesday 13th of November 2019
I definitely will! Thanks for sharing!