Sometimes the best remedies for colds are truly those that are passed down from our grandmothers. If you want to prevent a cold with garlic and stop it dead in its tracks, you absolutely can do this. Garlic is an all-natural method of preventing colds, and very cost-effective.
Preventing sickness and doing things to benefit our health holistically are ways to nourish our bodies and live in ultimate health. This health can also help you be more successful, with more time, more energy, and more vitality!
Here is my exact method to prevent a cold with garlic!

Healing properties of garlic
Garlic has been used for many centuries as a healing herb. Fresh, raw garlic is actually extremely powerful! It’s been known to beat the cold, flu, intestinal parasites and yeast. Although there is not much consensus on allicin as the beneficial compound in garlic, the message is clear:
Garlic has to be raw to obtain its benefits.
Once cooked, all antibacterial, antiviral properties of garlic are gone. So make sure that in these methods below that you only use raw garlic. Yes, it’s strong. That’s the point!
Prevent A Cold with Garlic: Follow These Steps
Step 1
Cut a raw clove of garlic into 3 pill-sized pieces. Swallow two of them with a vitamin C, Zinc, and probiotics.
Step 2
Stick the other one up your nose.
Yes it is TERRIBLY weird to walk around with a piece of garlic in your nose. But as long as you do it at home and not in public, I think you’re fine. This way, the healing properties of the garlic both gets into your system AND it gets to the source of the infection: your sinuses.
Leave the clove in one nostril for 10-15 minutes. Breathe deeply through your nose a few times then leave it there and go about your daily business.
Switch sides and repeat.
Step 3

2 hours later, swallow a teaspoon of organic honey and get to work on another concoction.
Microwave a tablespoon or two of unrefined coconut oil for 30 seconds. Crush a clove or two of garlic with the flat side of a knife. Pop them into the warm coconut oil and leave them to soak for 30 minutes.
After 20 minutes, strain (or pick) out the garlic. Leave to cool for 30-60 minutes. Use as a salve on your chest. This is safe enough to use on your toddlers and potentially even your little one (6 months and older).
Want to step it up a notch? Add 2-3 drops DoTerra’s On Guard (or 4 Thieves Oil, generic). This is NOT safe for babies’ and toddlers’ use, but may be safe in older children. Please do your own research and determine if this is right for your family.
I put this on my chest and neck (avoiding going too low since I’m breastfeeding).
Put it on every 2-3 hours.
Shower before leaving the house. It’s very stinky!
Step 4
You can also continue to put a small clove or piece of clove up your nose for 20-30 minutes every few hours. Before going to bed at night, swallow another pill-sized piece of garlic with Vitamin C and Zinc and a Tablespoon of honey.
Drink as much water as you can during the day.
You should have to pee at least once every hour or two. This is giving somewhere for all those bad bugs to exit your body.
Prevent a Cold with Garlic: Results
I recently used this method when I felt a cold coming on, and after 2 days of using this method, the scratchy throat never turned into a full blown cold.
For those who can’t stand the taste of raw garlic (or the thought of swallowing a pill-sized piece of it whole), there are other options, though I cannot say how effective they would be.
This whole bulb garlic is specifically formulated for immune support and is organic. It’s also about 9 times more expensive than a bulb of garlic from the grocers, so take what you will.
So… can garlic actually prevent colds?
I want you to try it out for yourself and decide. I’ve used it many times to help prevent and heal colds. If you don’t start it right away, you will likely get the cold. However, even starting it late, in my experience, helped me shorten the length of my cold.
Have you ever thought to prevent a cold with garlic?
Depending on the severity of the bug, it may not help. But garlic is incredibly powerful!
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Mama Bear Finance
Tuesday 31st of December 2019
I didn't know garlic has preventative power! Luckily I love adding garlic to my cooking. They are so delicious!