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58 Powerful Affirmations for Women’s Health to Improve Mindset and Wellbeing

When it comes to our health, we all have different needs. For women, taking care of our health is especially important. Between pregnancies, postpartum care, menopause, and other significant events, women’s health concerns look different than men’s. That’s why it’s vital for us to have affirmations that specifically target women’s health.

This blog post will discuss 58 affirmations for women’s health! These affirmations can help you feel better mentally and emotionally when you’re not feeling your best and can also be helpful if you are struggling with a health issue.

Healthy living for women includes eating your greens

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*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and do not offer this as medical advice. This is my own personal experience and I encourage everyone to seek advice from their doctor before making decisions about their health. To view our full disclaimer policy, click here.

Women’s Health

Women also go through different key stages of health. The first major change, of course, is at the onset of menstruation. Then prenatal health and postpartum health are both important times to consider. When fertility ends and a woman goes through menopause, that is another important stage.

There are several ways that women can be healthy throughout their lives. Some key strategies include eating a healthy diet, exercising consistently, and getting a doctor’s check-up regularly. Additionally, it’s essential for women to stay informed about the latest health news and developments and ensure they’re taking steps to protect their health physically and mentally.

Gender Discrimination?

In addition, women often face gender discrimination from doctors: not being taken seriously regarding their pain or symptoms.

I experienced this in December 2017 when I had an abscess in my breast from a clogged duct during breastfeeding. My pain level was severe, but the male doctor continued to dismiss it as a simple fibroadenoma (which I have had before and experienced no pain). Because I insisted my pain was very high, he agreed to do a biopsy.

The biopsy was so excruciating that I screamed and cried the whole time; my limbs went numb, and I nearly hyperventilated. The male doctor had to call my husband and two other doctors to finish the procedure and help me.

Finally, the male doctor understood that I was not exaggerating my pain and agreed to emergency surgery. (This itself was a mistake because he misdiagnosed my problem as a fibroadenoma, and an abscess would have only needed to be drained, not cut out.)

What Affirmations Can Do For You

Women's health affirmations can help you stay fit, strong, and healthy

Affirmations for women’s health can be a great way to get into the mindset of being healthy and help you speak up when you feel something is wrong. Women’s health is a greater issue than just the stages of life we go through, and it’s time we started taking women’s health seriously!

Affirmations for Menopause
Affirmations for Health and Fitness
Affirmations for Pregnancy and Birth

Affirmations for Surgery and Hospital Stays
Affirmations for Deep Rest and Relaxation

58 Powerful Affirmations for Women’s Health to Improve Your Mindset and Well-being

  1. I am healthy and strong!
  2. I take care of my body and mind.
  3. I eat nutritious foods that nourish my body.
  4. I am grateful for my health.
  5. I exercise regularly to keep my body fit and toned.
  6. I am mindful of my health every day.
  7. I listen to my body and give it what it needs.
  8. I am open to new ways of taking care of my health.
  9. I am proactive about my health care.
  10. I take the time to relax and de-stress.
  11. I am kind and loving to myself.
  12. I respect my body and treat it with love and care.
  13. My body is a temple that I cherish and take care of.
  14. I am worthy of good health.
  15. I am worthy of good, accurate care from my doctors.
  16. I am strong and capable.
  17. I am beautiful, inside and out.
  18. I speak up when I intuitively feel something is off with my health.
  19. I deserve to be listened to!
  20. My body is powerful!
  21. I love myself just the way I am.
  22. I love practicing self-care to treat my body right.
  23. I am dedicated to taking care of my body, mind, and spirit.
  24. I am whole, healthy, and perfect just as I am.
  25. I release any and all negativity around my health and well-being.
  26. I let go of any perfectionism around my health journey.
  27. My body is a work in progress, and I love it!
  28. Every day, in every way, I am getting healthier and stronger.
  29. I make my health a priority!
  30. I nourish my body and mind with positive, nurturing things.
  31. I plant seeds of care and health in my body and mind.
  32. I love taking care of myself!
  33. I am learning more and more about how to best take care of myself.
  34. I cherish my body and all that it does for me.
  35. I am grateful for my good health!
  36. I embrace the challenges of each stage of life.
  37. Every day, I am making choices that support my health and well-being.
  38. I surround myself with people who support my health journey.
  39. I am open to trying new things to improve my health!
  40. I let go of any and all stress around my health.
  41. I release the need to control everything about my health.
  42. My body knows what it needs, and I trust its wisdom.
  43. I listen to my intuition when it comes to my health.
  44. I am grateful for the guidance of my doctors and health care providers.
  45. I take responsibility for my own health and well-being.
  46. I know that I am capable of taking care of myself!
  47. My body is a beautiful, amazing machine!
  48. I am doing the best I can to take care of myself, and that is good enough.
  49. I am kind and compassionate to myself, especially when it comes to my health.
  50. I allow myself the time and space to heal.
  51. I trust the process of healing.
  52. Every day, I am one step closer to perfect health.
  53. I affirm that I am healthy and whole, just as I am.
  54. I deserve excellent health that allows me to do everything I want to do in life!
  55. I release any worry I have about my health.
  56. I embrace my health journey and healing.
  57. Healing comes from within.
  58. I fill my body with healing love and light!

The Best 20 Affirmation Cards to Use Daily!

Women’s Health Affirmations for Mindset and Wellbeing

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