Are you considering the 30 Days to Healthy Living Program from Arbonne and don’t know if it’s right for you? Sometimes when you’re deciding whether or not to commit, you need to read reviews to help you make your decision. My Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living Review is objective and will help you decide if it’s right for you.
Basically, Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living is easy, has great support, is comprehensive, and can help you feel great and slim down.

Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living Review
My aim with this Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living Review is to provide you with objective information regarding my own experience with the Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living Program so that you can make an informed decision as to whether this program will be a good fit for you!
Here are some pros and cons to get you started. I’ll write about each of them below.
- Ease of Use
- Cost Effectiveness
- Support
- Deliciousness
- Comprehensiveness
- Weight Loss
- Potential initial digestive upset
- Products that aren’t labeled as organic and non-GMO
- Not designed for rapid weight loss
- You have to give up bread, grains, alcohol, coffee, sugar, soy 80% of the time
- You’re already on a whole foods diet
Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living Review: PROS
1. Ease of Use
This is a HUGE reason to do the 30 Days to Healthy Living Program!
I did 30 Days to Healthy Living before I started working as a consultant and I was majorly impressed with how easy the program was.
Besides getting all the supplements that you need to complete the program, you’re supplied with meal plans by week, including a grocery shopping list.
I was able to take the list, cross off things that I already had (like herbs, or staples such as coconut oil) then take the list to the store at the beginning of the week for shopping. I had everything that I needed for the week, and didn’t have to go back to the store because I forgot something (which is what I frequently do when I’m NOT on the 30 day program).
Not only this, but there was a great balance between whole foods and products, as well as balance between savory and sweet flavors.
Not having to expend tons of effort or energy on making grocery lists, thinking about what to make myself for breakfast, or wondering if I had something I wanted to eat that day was a huge time-saver!
They even give you a brochure to teach you a little about fitness, stress management, and self-care, and how these things can contribute to the overall wellness and nourishment of our bodies.
2. Cost Effectiveness

The 30 Days to Healthy Living program supplements and shopping lists can actually help you save money.
Yep! I know it looks like it costs a lot, but in reality, it’s only dollars per day.
When you’re not going to the store several times a week and making unnecessary trips, you will likely save money!
An additional way this program is cost effective is because of the shake that replaces 1-2 meals a day. You won’t be eating out for lunch, and you won’t be consuming more food than you need!
Last, there is a LOT of produce in this program. There’s also not a lot of beef, and only some fish and poultry. I found my grocery bills to be quite a bit lower (by $30-40 a week) when on this program.
That’s about $160 I saved on groceries during the entire month, which almost covers the entire cost of the program!
Once you factor in eating out less, I MORE than made up the cost of the program.
Make sure you check out my favorite 8 Arbonne Nutrition Products to try!
3. Support from Your Arbonne Consultant and Other Participants
The support I received from my consultant and her team members.
I was added to a facebook group specific to all the people in that community who were doing the 30 Days to Healthy Living at the same time. The consultants were able to check in on us, share resources, and we were able to ask any questions that we had.
The community of Arbonne consultants is unrivaled! When you participate in this program, you will have amazing support and help to go through the program.
Arbonne 30 Days To Healthy Living While Breastfeeding
Arbonne and Pregnancy: Which Supplements May Be Safe?
4. Deliciousness of Arbonne Products and Selected Recipes

The Arbonne Protein is the most delicious protein powder I’ve ever had, hands down. It tastes like chocolate cake!
The fizz sticks are not overly sweet, but fruity!
The detox tea is nutty and warming.
You will be thrilled that you’re not sacrificing flavor for healthy foods!
The meal recipes that you’ll receive are also packed with flavor! All the meals are low in fat and carbs, and they don’t have wheat or soy or dairy. I was worried about mushy meals that would taste bland, but I was so happy to be wrong.
The meals have tons of fresh herbs, onion, garlic, spices, meats and veggies to keep the flavor high, nutritional value high, and toxic ingredients low.
Make sure you also read about:
65 Delicious Thanksgiving Recipes for Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living
5. Health Comprehensiveness of Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living
I’ve already talked about the awesome supplements as well as the grocery lists, but the 30 Day to Healthy Living Program also takes a comprehensive approach to your health.
Need something warm to drink in the morning? Detox tea.
Need something to give you a boost of energy? Fizz stick!
Trying to get more veggies in your diet? Greens Balance.
Need something sweet that tastes delicious?! Protein shake! (Or try Arbonne Protein Balls!)
Trying to lose weight? We’ve got you covered.
If you’re trying to improve skin condition… this can help that too.
Need more energy to get through your day? Yep, you’ll feel SO much better on this program!
Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living did ALL of those for me. I know of so many people who had health issues or minor annoyances that saw drastic improvements on this program. It’s not guaranteed, of course, and I’m not a doctor. But improving your gut health can do SO much for your overall health and wellness.
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6. Weight Loss Review
While we’re talking health and wellness, my Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living Review would be incomplete if I didn’t mention weight loss.
I was about 7 weeks postpartum when I started the program, so you can see that I still have the mama belly pooch.
Arbonne’s 30 Day Program: Frequently Asked Questions

After the 30 Days to Healthy Living program, you can see how I lost the bloat and trimmed down. Those 6.5 pounds are absolutely noticeable!
(*The typical results are different for everyone. Results vary depending on individual effort, body composition, age, eating patterns, exercise, and the like.)
Arbonne Detox Tea Ingredients for the Best Detox
Arbonne Digestion Plus for a Healthy Gut
Arbonne 7-Day Body Cleanse
Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living Review: CONS
I wouldn’t be objective and unbiased if I only talked about the amazing things about this program! So let’s a look at some things that might make Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living a poor fit for you.
1. You don’t want to cope with a period of discomfort
Many people experience gas and bloating on their first week with the program. Usually, this is because of a huge uptake in fiber. Most people don’t get enough fiber, and suddenly, they are getting a lot, especially if you opt for the fiber boost.
Also, the introduction of probiotics to your gut can potentially cause some gas as your levels of good and bad bacteria start to balance out.
You have to get through that first week and find a good balance of fiber that works for you!
2. Products that aren’t labeled organic and non-GMO
For many people, this is a deal breaker.
Personally, I get organic and non-GMO as much as I can. For Arbonne, here’s what you need to know about the labels of organic and non-GMO:
Arbonne is a Swiss company, and not only abides by the rules of the USDA, but also rules of the European Union, which are way stricter than the US. Arbonne sources organically when possible.
In other words, Arbonne is mostly organic and non-GMO even though they don’t qualify for official labeling.
3. You’re not willing to give up your bread, alcohol, coffee or sugar.
If you want to lose weight while still eating your same diet, this isn’t for you.
This is all about introducing healthy foods and hitting the reset button on our gut health. You can’t do that while eating primarily bread and grains, drinking coffee, having regular alcoholic drinks, and eating junk food with lots of sugar.
Consider Weight Watchers if this is a deal-breaker for you.
If it’s something you’ve considered and wonder if you’ll be able to do without, read on.
You’re reading this Arbonne 30 Days review because you’re thinking about doing the program.
This likely means you’re looking for a change. If something isn’t working in your life, in your diet, doing the SAME THING will yield the SAME RESULTS.
Arbonne takes you out of your comfort zone to get you the results that you want to see because it’s a lifestyle change, NOT A DIET!
Speaking of not being a diet, don’t do Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living if…
4. You want lightening fast results.
Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living program is about… you guessed it! Healthy Living!
Weight loss is a great side effect of this program, but it’s not the main goal.
The primary goal is a healthy gut and proper nutrition, which often results in more energy, less fatigue and pain, and healthy weight loss.
Healthy weight loss happens at approximately 1-2 pounds a week. Sure, some people drop a lot more weight than that, but typically, people see a weight loss of about 4-10 pounds on the program. Some people have lost 15 pounds or more! (That’s a pound every 2 days!)
I lost 6.5 pounds in 30 and I’m fairly small to begin with. The larger you are, the more weight you have to lose.
Rapid weight loss is not healthy. It usually means extreme calorie restriction and possibly extreme exercising, which puts a huge strain on your body. It can result in muscle loss, gallstones, nutritional deficiencies and can even drop your metabolism (which is the opposite of what you want if you’re trying to lose weight.)
Not only that, but people who lose weight fast are more likely to put the weight back on.
Wouldn’t you rather lose the weight a healthy way and keep it off?
5. You’re Already on a Whole Foods Diet
Conversely, if you already eat a clean, nutritious diet comprised of whole foods, probiotics, and you don’t eat any processed junk, this program is NOT for you.
Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living is designed as a stepping stone from the SAD (Standard American Diet) with lots of saturated fats and high sugar content to a diet lifestyle that will give you the nutrition your body needs.
Quite simply, Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living Program will be a step BACKWARDS if you are already eating 80-100% clean.
I absolutely loved the 30 Day to Healthy Living Program by Arbonne. It was easy, helpful, had great food, and I lost some weight while on it. Also, it’s not as strict as other programs like Whole30!
If you’re wondering whether the program is right for you, I can’t answer that. But if you’re looking for any of the things I mentioned here, you’re sure to love the program too!
Let me know if my Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living Review was helpful at all in deciding whether to do the program.
And be sure to come back once you’ve done the program and let me know how it went!
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Saturday 12th of August 2023
Hello! I have all of the products to start my 30 day program, but it didn’t come with recipes or grocery lists. Can you help me with that? I also don’t know when I’m supposed to eat/drink which products. It’s very overwhelming to me and I’m afraid to start and mess it up! Thank you!!
Dawn Elizabeth
Sunday 27th of August 2023
Hi Krystel! I'd start by doing Gut Health and fizz sticks in the morning. Then you can substitute one meal with a protein shake. (I like having a shake for lunch.) Make sure you're not eating any sugar throughout the day. Then tea in the evening. As far as meals go, your Arbonne representative should be able to help with that. I hope this helps!
Saturday 27th of March 2021
Question? I have done the cleanse before several years ago. And I started again Wednesday. You said something in your review about doing it 80/20? What did you mean when you said that? I thought you had to go full out letting everything go.. thanks
Dawn Perez
Saturday 27th of March 2021
Hey Tara! Many Arbonne consultants will encourage you to eat fully clean and follow the rules 80% of the time. This means that you'll have about 1 day a week (or 3 meals and a snack) that you don't have to follow the clean eating rules. So if you wanted to eat dairy, or have a beer, you technically could. But many Arbonne consultants do encourage you to do the program 100% clean and follow the rules strictly for 30 days.
It's totally up to you. The 80/20 rule is actually still very conducive to weight loss, if that's your goal, provided of course that you take your 20% all on the same day. This is essentially called the "Zig-zag" method of weight loss, and it helps your body to know that it's not starving. (If your body thinks it is starving because you're getting less calories, it will slow down your metabolism and you'll lose less weight. This is why people plateau on their weight loss after a week or two.)
Anyway, there's not a right or wrong answer. It's however you want to tackle it. I hope this helps!
Sunday 11th of October 2020
I am just going into week 4 of my first 30 days. I have to say you are exactly correct about the bloat. I have lost approximately 10 lbs. but the inches are amazing! They tell you to take measurements but of course I was non compliant and could kick myself. I did it because I needed a rest. My body ran on a pot of coffee and several (5-6) energy drinks of some sort each day. I have been caffeine free, dairy free, and mostly sugar free for almost 30 days and have the most energy I have felt in YEARS! I recommend this program to everyone! And no I am not a consultant. I was looking for Arbonne protein recipes... Best Wishes...
Dawn Perez
Sunday 11th of October 2020
Congratulations Christie! It's so empowering to take back our bodies and our lives! I'm so happy you've been able to find your energy again! Sending empowering thoughts and vibes your way!
Tuesday 21st of July 2020
What a great review Dawn! If one's goal is start eating healthy again, nothing better than having a plan in place. People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan. For 30 days you'll be eating good stuff along with the plant based supplements, that you'll feel good about knowing you're cleansing the body.
Wednesday 20th of May 2020
So glad to hear you had such great results!