When mom life gets a little overwhelming, affirmations for moms are a great way to get out of that stressed-out mindset.
Recently, my life has been stuffed full of poopy diapers, tantrums, time-outs, nursery rhymes, the same 3 books over and over, and trying to get the babes to nap at the same time…
I barely have time to breathe, let alone to sleep. I get plenty of help from my husband, but he has a demanding job, and as a stay at home mom, I’m the primary caregiver and the keeper of everything home related.
Mom life is beyond amazing at times, but other times can be frustrating, exhausting, disappointing.

Moms today are overwhelmed and stressed out

According to Psychology Today, mothers are trying to feel like they can have it all, careers and kids, in a way that didn’t put them at a disadvantage at either one. But they point out that the culture and lack of governmental support is mostly to blame.
The American Psychology Association claims that women who have children report much higher stress levels and also make 80% of the family house care decisions. Ouch.
But the good news is that there are ways to cope.
Being mindful, staying in the present moment, and getting into the right mindset can do huge wonders for your daily life as a mom.
Even if you have to say these affirmations while you’re doing the dishes, calming a crying baby, driving to work, or any of the other myriad things you do during your day, just take a deep breath.
I’m all about mindset and about pumping ourselves up for great lives as moms.
So while you’re here, make sure you put your desire for balance, success, and a fantastic schedule into action.
But until then, mama, you need a little pick-me-up, a little patience, and a little belief that you are doing the most important work, these Positive Affirmations for Moms are for you!
19 Items for Your Stay At Home Mom Survival Kit
What is Mom-Shaming, and Why Should We Stop?
Affirmations for Healing Your Relationships
40 Breastfeeding Affirmations for When Things Get Difficult
Ready to take your affirmation practice to the next level? Make sure you check out the BEST Affirmation Cards for Your Mindset!
Transformational Affirmations Ebook
Affirmation ebook with 900+ Affirmations
This post and ALL 30 affirmation posts on Wild Simple Joy have been combined into a PDF ebook. If you feel that you will want to come back to this information again and have easy access to 900+ affirmations, then this might be for you.
Beautifully formatted with no ads. $12
60 Powerful Affirmations for Moms
- I handle stress effortlessly!
- I accomplish everything on my list daily!
- My life is beautiful.
- I am beautiful and radiant.
- I handle it all with confidence and grace.
- Other mothers look up to me for advice and inspiration.
- I am a confident, loving woman who sets an amazing example for her children.
- I exude patience and grace throughout my day.
- I am a blessing to my family.
- I’m doing an amazing job!
- I am everything my child needs.
- I am a fantastic role model for my children.
- I am brave.
- I am loved.
- I do what it takes to give the best to my family.
- I’m grateful to spend time with my children every day.
- My home is full of love and joy.
- I have boundless energy!
- I deserve to care for myself too.
- I radiate grace, confidence, and care.
- My children are lucky to have such a caring, devoted mother.
- I feel calm in the midst of chaos.
- I am my children’s rock.
- I am my children’s safe space.
- My children trust me beyond measure.
- I am courageous to show my children vulnerability.
- I teach my kids by example every day.
- I choose to care for myself.
- My own needs are important!
- I release expectations and allow my children and family to be who we are.
- I am enough.
- My love for my children is unconditional.
- I smile on my flaws today.
- I am everything to my children.
- I am a leader to my children.
- I show my children how to be kind, gracious, and loving.
- I forgive my children’s flaws.
- I always remember to demonstrate what I expect from my children.
- I am calm in the chaos.
- I accomplish everything I need to to care for my children.
- My children are grateful for me.
- I am a badass mom!
- My children are healthy, creative, and loving, and I am thankful!
- I’m doing a stunning job!
- I teach my kids to be authentic.
- I release judgment and embrace the present moment.
- I deserve time to myself.
- I trust my intuition.
- I am powerful.
- Today, I choose joy!
- I choose to focus on what I can control.
- I show my kids how to love others by loving them.
- My kids look on me with wonder and love!
- I find the balance between bliss and mess!
- When I am at work, I am earning a living to provide the best life for my children.
- When I am doing housework, I am providing a clean and safe space for my children.
- When I am cooking, I am providing nutritious meals for my children to grow healthy.
- When I play with my children, I am giving them the attention, love, and encouragement they need to have healthy self-esteem.
- By spending time with my partner, I am providing my children a role model who prioritizes love and communication.
- I always encourage my children to communicate with me.

Check out: 55 Positive Self-Esteem Affirmations to Build Your Self-Worth FAST!
40 Affirmations to Attract Love and a Health Relationship into Your Life
20 Affirmations for When You Stop Breastfeeding
Affirmations for Pregnancy