Whether you want to learn how to radiate feminine energy to attract love, money, or just learn to feel powerful as a woman, this post will give you the best ways to embrace your feminine essence on a deeper level and live passionately as a radiant woman!
First, let’s tackle some myths about divine feminine energy so that we can be more specific about what it is, and what it’s not.

What Is Feminine Energy?

In life, there are two types of energy: masculine energy and feminine energy. Every individual has both of them at different levels at different times, and sometimes it can change from day to day.
Masculine Energy is the push, the drive forward. It is rational thought, objectivity, the pursuit of knowledge, and the desire to constantly do better. Masculine traits are associated with “doing”, rather than “being”.
Feminine Energy, on the other hand, is more flexible and creative. It is the power to rest, stop, observe, connect with nature, and connect with others. Feminine energies mean getting in touch with our instincts and emotions, and it’s associated with “being”, rather than “doing”.
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How can you radiate divine feminine energy?
To radiate divine feminine energy means embracing what is spontaneous, joyful, and creative. Women and men who fully embody the divine feminine power in their lives are excellent at being in the present moment, tapping into their creative side, enjoying pleasure, and connecting with others through their emotions and words.
Most people associate women who have a lot of feminine energy as being playful, flirty, fun, spontaneous, attractive, confident, and radiant.
Myths About Feminine Energy
Myth #1: Only Womxn Have Feminine Energy
As much as Wild Simple Joy is a site for womxn, this article applies just as much to men. Both men and women have feminine energy, and when those energies are balanced within both sexes, it makes interactions with those people so pleasant and wonderful!
Myth #2: Feminine Energy is Weak

Both male and female energies can be strong. The key lies in the differences of their strength. While masculine energy is more dominating and forceful (think: planning, structure), feminine energy is a very subtle power, like a river that wears away rocks for thousands of years to create something like the Niagara Falls.
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Myth #3: Having Feminine Energy means you’re “Girly”
Don’t mistake the terms “girly” and feminine. These are very different. Girly implies a basic liking for things that are performed by more traditionally female gender-roles, like cooking or baking, ballet/dance, the color pink.
“Girly” is a superficial term and can often (though not always) have underlying implications of the patriarchy and toxic masculinity.
“Feminine Energy” is the term for energy that is restful, playful, and cyclical, and it has very little to do with whether you are female or not.
If you’re a feminine woman, you might not be “girly” at all!
Two excellent books that will inspire you to embrace your feminine energy are Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes’ Women Who Run with the Wolves, and Heatherash Amara’s Warrior Goddess Training. Check out more books about wild women.
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17 Ways to Radiate Divine Feminine Energy
Make sure you read the sister post: 10 Qualities of the Divine Feminine.
1. Wear skirts or high heels
Let’s start with an easy one: your physical appearance! Feminine power is all about flexibility and movement, and nothing helps you embody that quality quite like wearing clothes that you can actually move in.
High heels can also give you a boost of feminine power and confidence! (And height!) But don’t try them if you’re not comfortable with them!
2. Put on red lipstick
Here’s something else you can don in order to step into your feminine traits!
Do not underestimate the power that make-up and clothes have on both the energy you have for yourself and the energy you share with others.
Red lipstick tells others that you are bold, fearless, and know how beautiful you are! You just might automatically find yourself feeling more confident and strong (in a very feminine way) when you put on your favorite bright shade!
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3. Utilize red, orange, or pink for your feminine self

Sure, these are all warm colors, but there is more to it than that.
Red is the color of groundedness and security. It’s also the color of seduction.
Orange is the color of your 2nd or sacral chakra that’s associated with your womb and creative space.
Pink is a color of our hearts, our emotions, our compassion and our empathy, our ability to connect with others.
Wearing these colors of clothes can get you feeling bold and empowered in a very feminine way. Some other colors you may want to consider are yellow (confidence and brightness) or green (warmth and compassion).
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4. Enjoy simple pleasures
There are beautiful things in life all around us, and women who OWN their feminine energy traits embrace the good things. Spending time slowing down, taking a detour, and stopping to smell the roses are small things that can build up your feminine energies in a powerful way.
So put away your phone and play with your friend’s baby. Buy yourself flowers. Listen to the rain as you sip your coffee or tea. Life is good!
5. Get creative
Your creative energy is the gateway to your inner goddess. The Goddess births new ideas, new concepts, new pieces of art, even new Gods into the world!
Some creative activities you might want to try include drawing or painting, playing music, writing poetry, or dancing. There are many different ways to get creative, and none of them are wrong!
6. Rest
When we push through, experience sleep deprivation, or reach burn out, we’re dreadfully out of balance. We’re more likely to snap at others, make mistakes in our work, and feel less satisfaction with our lives, let alone suffer from physical ailments.
Those who get enough sleep give off a natural glow. Also, rest is essential for our mental health. Those who are well-rested are more likely to react instead of respond as well as be up for more spontaneous activities.
So get a relaxing bath, take a nap, or just simply give yourself enough time to recharge. Self-love is good!
7. Get out into nature

Getting outdoors is one of the most comprehensive ways to embrace your feminine side! Put down your phone and go soak up some sunlight (or moonlight!). Just wander for a while. Observe your feelings, take a deep breath, pick up some rocks or pinecones and just be content to BE.
Nature calls us to TAKE IT ALL IN, to observe instead of act, to connect instead of force.
After all, she is called Mother Earth for a reason!
Not only this, but nature is known to have many restorative properties and can help you put your nervous system at easy, lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, improve your immune system, and boost your mood!
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8. Be the main character
So many women are the natural care-givers of our world, and this is not a bad thing! But when the needs of others come before your own again and again, it may drain your energy and your confidence.
So channel your inner goddess. Give yourself time to focus on yourself and your inner peace. Ask yourself: “What do I need right now to feel at ease?” Is it a cup of tea? Some yoga? Having sex with your partner?
Whatever it is, give yourself the type of energy and focus that you give others!
9. Give other women a boost

Many generations ago, women did everything with their communities: they would sew together, gather food from the fields or forest, care for the children together, or knead bread together. They had a built-in support system and were constantly connecting with each other.
That’s not so much the case in today’s modern world.
Sharing compliments, sharing time together, or just talking and connecting is a great source of healing for your feminine power.
And honestly, nothing makes me feel better than making other people feel good!
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10. Do something spontaneous
That masculine energy is all about planning, executing our plans, and achieving our goals, which are fine qualities, to be sure. But when there is too much masculine energy and everything is planned to the T, it leaves very little room for discovery!
When you do something spontaneous, or unplanned, you are leaving yourself room, you’re creating space to discover new things about yourself and the world, which is an essential part of female energy.
11. Indulge!

In today’s society, we are SO worried about our weight, our looks, our image. We’re told to be modest, to be refined, to not need or want anything, and CERTAINLY don’t enjoy yourself! But unfortunately, this is something that came directly from the patriarchy to make women (and men) easy to control.
The word “indulge” implies pleasure! It implies the enjoyment of something and oneself!
Whether you’re indulging in chocolate, wine, sex, full-belly laughter, riding roller-coasters… finding enjoyment, pleasure, and even bliss are ways to truly capture that feminine power that we all want.
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12. Use your body
Your feminine aura is deeply dependent on your body language, and it is essential to feel comfortable in our own skin.
So the first step is to be proud of and celebrate your body! Women’s bodies are amazing! We can dance, run, hike, rock, climb, have sex, and birth babies!
Eye contact, posture, the way you move your lips, and your smile and laugh are all aspects of body language and can help convey sexual attraction. So use a mirror and get practicing!
READ MORE: 10 Techniques for Personal Empowerment for Women
13. Live in the present moment
Masculine energy thinks into the future, plans, and sets intention. Divine feminine energy is rooted. It’s set in the present moment.
Meditation is a great way to practice living in the present moment. It helps to slow your thoughts down, gives you a greater awareness and insight, and allows you to release worries and anxiety.
Mindfulness is another way. Put down your phone. Stop multitasking. Be intentional with your interactions with others.
14. Play and have fun

Being silly, fun, and releasing your desire for appearing refined and perfect can be just the kind of feminine power you’re looking for in your life.
When we’re able to release our desire to uphold the patriarchy’s expectations of us, we start to find a lot more passion, childlike wonder, confidence, and pleasure in our lives, and as we read above, these things are all feminine in nature.
Often times, other women are looking for the same kind of release, so don’t worry about being judged! It’s time that we let go, had fun, and embraced our silly sides!
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15. Tap into your spiritual, emotional side
It is often said that women have a sixth sense. Women who fully radiate pure, divine female energy are those who are connected to their higher selves and inner voice. They have high emotional intelligence and know how to use their words and body to fully connect with those around them. They similarly connect easily with Spirit.
This inner wisdom does not just appear–it can take years of developing those traits of feminine energy to step into the pure energy of feminine spirituality.
16. Heal your wounded feminine energy
Negative emotions can drastically impact your energy field, and, especially in our world today, it’s easy to worry and to see the worst in things.
But when you really want your authentic feminine energy to shine, you need to heal the toxic femininity.
Sure, we’ve all heard of toxic masculinity, but femininity can be just as toxic. The toxic feminine is the manipulative “victim” mindset, and it is the opposite of authentic. When you dig deep, you can see all the ways you might be contributing to the dark side of the feminine. Alleviating yourself of these traits in your everyday life is essential if you prioritize your authenticity.
These 15 techniques will help you learn to radiate feminine energy and embrace the feminine power in your life! You’ll feel more confident, balanced, and you may even attract someone into your life that complements your energy!
What ways are your favorites to feel more feminine and bring more feminine energy into your own life?
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Wednesday 8th of February 2023
Thank you for suggestion of these two books. Already started one of them and it's amazing! Also your article is good, great job!
D. Hampton
Thursday 18th of March 2021
Thank you for the information. I was not aware until recently of the existence of male and female energy. Is it possible to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex because of their male or female energy? Is that something that you can sense about someone when you actually meet them in person for the first time?
Dawn Perez
Thursday 18th of March 2021
Really "male" or "female" energy is just a way to classify different types of energy! I absolutely think that we are attracted to people who have a type of energy that we need more of in our lives. I actually struggle with feminine energy... I have a lot of masculine energy (lots of planning, doing, activities, and rational thought). My husband is more chill, he likes to relax, have fun, enjoy himself, and he's in touch with his emotions. I definitely think this is one of the things that brought us together!